Tagged: strength


Dark Souls 3: What do the stats and attributes do? EXPLAINED! Vigor, Attunement, Endurance, Vitality, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith + Luck

In depth explanation of all the Dark Souls 3 III player stats so you can make the right choice in your character’s build! Includes some stat build ideas. Details the best use of stats, what the soft and hard caps of each stat are, and gives some build ideas.

Dark Souls 2 Strategy 0

How to Survive Dark Souls 2 – Tips and Strategies to Become Better – Learn to Beat the Toughest Bosses

Hundreds of hours of Dark Souls play time has taught me there are a few general yet essential strategies to employ to start you on the path to victory. Much of this will be aimed at players on their first playthrough of Dark Souls II, but even experience players may think about adding these tactics to their arsenal!